My Tracks 2 for Mac OS X – The fully inegrated geotaging solution for iPhoto

Mytracks4mac has released v2.0 of its flagship application, myTracks, used to read tracks from GPS data loggers and link the information to photographs in iPhoto, geotagging the users images. The application synchronizes with iPhoto, allowing users to drag and drop images directly from iPhoto onto the myTracks dock icon. The program is compatible with a large variety of photo software and utilizes a GPS Logger Assistant to transfer GPS tracks.
The latest version supports the RoyalTek RGM-3800 and features Japanese localization. The software additionally supports most of the common GPS loggers including the Wintec WBT-201, Holux M- ?241 and GPSport 245. myTracks 2.0 requires Mac OS X 10.5 and is available from the mytracks4mac online store for $14.

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Recommended Data Loggers:
1. WPL-1000 (Wintec) – Plug&Play

2. WBT-201 (Wintec)