Category Support

What is WAAS?

Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS): The WAAS, a satellite-based augmentation system operated by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), provides aircraft navigation for all phases of flight. Today, these capabilities are broadly used in other applications because their GPS-like signals…

What Is GPS

GPS – Global Positioning System? ?The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.S. space-based radionavigation system that provides reliable positioning, navigation, and timing services to civilian users on a continuous worldwide basis — freely available to all. For anyone with…

What can you do with a GPS and why would you want one?

They are a great deal of fun to use. They are useful if you get lost and you have a map that gives UTM or lat/lon coordinates. You can actually follow yourself on a map in real time display which…

Will I get a CD with ESRI Thai map for my Quest?

Unfortunately the answer is NO. Although there is enough memory to download the entire map without dividing it, the ESRI does not provide map on CD. It means every time you erase the map, will have to visit ESRI to…

Can I use WBT-100 with my O2 mini?

Yes, you can. The WBT-100 can be connected to practically any PDA, including PDA with Windows Mobile as well as with Palm OS (Operating System) and Symbian. But the software included in the package can be use only with Windows…

Where can I learn more about GPS?

There are many pages where you can find information regarding GPS receivers, software, Geocaching etc. One of my favorites are: There you will find answers on most, if not all your questions. PS Do not visit this webpage…

Can I download the map of Thailand from my Garmin to my Laptop (desktop)?

I?m afraid it is impossible. To have the map (City Select) on your computer will have to spend around 32.000,- Baht. Still, there are some other solutions like Google Earth where you can see your tracks and waypoints.

Are there any other maps which I could use on my PDA with non Garmin GPS receivers?

Yes. There is a map called Power Map. This map is available in Thai and English. It is also routable map with voice prompts. You can download a free 15-day trial version at